Magnecorder Vacuum Tube Reel to Reel Recorders
Magnetic tape recorders of this type started around 1948 and become readily available and were used in studios and radio stations in the early 1950's.
Magnecord PT6 1/4″ is a full-track tape machine. PT6-A basic recorder in portable carrying case. Includes 15" and 7 1/2 ips capstans and pressure rollers. Oscillator tube. 3 speeds. PT6 recorders also available with 2-speed motor for 3 3/4", 7 1/2" and 15" operation. PT6 recorders have half-track heads.
The Magnecord M-33 tape recorder is mechanically alike. Model M-33 uses the M-33G amplifier. This recorder is designed to record and play back two tracks of material on standard width recording tape, which doubles the recording and playing time on a reel of tape. Recordings can be made from a radio, television receiver, or phonograph, in addition to those made directly from a microphone. Magnecord M-33 operates on 110-125 volt, 60 cycle AC only.

