Tandberg was an electronics manufacturer located in Oslo, Norway, and New York City, US. The company began in the radio field, but became more widely known for their reel-to-reel tape recorders and televisions. The original company went bankrupt in 1978 after a sharp financial downturn. The following year, the company re-formed whilst their data division was split off as Tandberg Data, including the tape recording division, which reduced its scope to data recording. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandberg)
Tandberg Five Stereo A
The tape recorder with dual channel tape electronics equal in efficiency to the finest amplifier components... the new Tandberg is designed to place the stereo recording and reproduction of tape and disc on the highest possible plane. To 'Record' Stereo Disc on Tape—To Preserve the Original Quality • Stereo Disc Inputs built-in to take the output of any stereo changer or turntable. To Make Live Stereo Professional Recordings • 4-Track Stereo Recording at all three speeds provide maximum versatility and economy To 'Record' Stereo Off the Air from Any Broadcast Source • Four 'Record' Inputs meet every recording requirement, including the mixing of any inputs. To Playback Stereo with a Quality That Meets the Test of the Most Critical Ear • Two Amplifiers Built-in for portable stereo—plus two cathode follower outputs for tape deck stereo. To Be Completely Versatile in Operation • Exclusive Tandberg 4-Track Design sets a new standard in professional record/playback quality. To Provide Top Performance and Unprecedented Tape Economy • Slow-Speed Quality cuts tape costs 75%. • Exclusive Tape Motion provides professional performance at 1 7/8 i.p.s. and 3 3/4 i.p.s.
Tandberg 74 Stereo Tape Deck (1964-65)
The Tandberg model 74 is a complete quarter-track, three speed stereo, record, and playback unit with two heads. The model 74B is similar to the model 74, but is furnished with a playback pre-amplifier output stage, for each channel, in addition to the combined record/ power output amplifier, and a center channel output. Track system: 4-track, 2-channel, stereo/monaural system Heads: 1 x combined record/playback, 1 x erase Motor: four-pole asynchronous Reel size: up to 7-inch reel Equalization: NAB Tape speeds: 1 7⁄8, 3 3⁄4, 7 1⁄2 ips Valve complement: 1 x ECC82, 2 x ECC83, 2 x ECL86, 2 x EAM86 Dimensions: 15-3/8 x 11-13/16 x 5-7/8 inches Weight: 27.6lbs Finish: teak cabinet Year: 1964

Tandberg Model 2